Extract collection#


General information#

The “Extract Collection” step is used to convert an array field to a flat list. This field can be obtained either from an external source or from a field (property) of an array component.

On this step, the array is parsed and the processing of each array element (entry or object) is started as a separate internal dataflow. Each such thread is executed independently of each other. Data flows parsed using the “Extract Collection” step can be reassembled via the “Group by” step.


Step Settings:

Setting Field

Value Options


Step name


Name of the step

Source step


Selecting the previous step

Model path


Path to an array field in the data model


  • Data Array Processing: Used to extract and process each element of the data array independently.

  • Splitting and Subsequent Grouping: Suitable for scenarios where you need to split complex data structures into simpler elements for further processing and analysis.


  • Need to specify the exact source and path: Incorrect indication of the source or path to the array field can lead to errors in data processing.

Application scenario#

This component allows processing client warehouse data by adding new records using extract collection and execute script steps. After the data flow execution, each record receives additional field data.

  • You can download the component configuration here.