Get user confirmation#


General information#

The “Get User Confirmation” step in the workflow is used to request confirmation or perform an action from the user. The step sends a notification to the user with a request to perform a specific action on the object, where the object is the state of the current model.


Step Settings:

Setting Field

Value Options


Step name


“Get User Confirmation” step name

Confirmation field


Field with options to be requested from the user

User info field

Multiselect of Catalog

Field with information about a user or group of users

User routing

Multiselect of Catalog

Object that is a security context


  • Request for User Confirmation: Ideal for scripts that require confirmation or choice of action from the user, such as confirming a transaction, agreeing to data processing, or choosing an answer option.

  • Interactive User Participation in the Process: Suitable for a workflow, where it is important to take into account the user’s decisions or choices to continue or change the process.


  • Ensuring the Request Is Clear: It is important to clearly formulate the confirmation request so that the user understands what action is expected from him.

  • Managing User Responses: User responses should be adequately processed and taken into account, especially in situations where they determine the course of further actions in the workflow.

  • Taking into Account the Security Context and Permissions: When using the User routing parameter, it is important to consider the security context and the corresponding user permissions.