Import file#


General information#

The “Import File” step is used to import data from .csv, Excel or JSON files. The data is imported line by line, mapping to the format described in “Fields Mapping”. To import a file, you should load the file into the File type field and specify this field in the “File Info Field” parameter.


Step Settings:

Setting Field

Value Options


Step name


Name of the step

Source step


Selecting the previous step

File info field


Field containing the file to import

Input file type

.csv, .xlsx, .json

File format for import

Column separator


Column separator for CSV file

First lines to ignore


Number of first lines to ignore in the file

Fields mapping


Mapping component fields to file columns


  • Import Tabular Data: Used to load data from CSV or Excel files, customizing the mapping between file columns and component fields.

  • Import Structured Data: Suitable for importing JSON files containing structured data.


  • Incorrect Fields Mapping: Errors in the “Fields Mapping” setting may result in incorrect data import.

  • Ignore Uninformative Rows: You must specify exactly the number of rows to ignore before you start importing data.

Application scenario#

This component is an interface for uploading files in CSV and XLSX formats. It includes fields for three CSV data model fields and three XLSX data model fields, as well as one field for file upload. Two data flows are used for file import, script execution, and data storage.

  • You can download the component configuration here