Access Menu#

The menu consists of 3 sections:

  • Permissions;

  • Roles;

  • Users.


The “Permissions” section in the platform is used to control access and permissions of users and groups in the system. This section allows you to add, remove, and configure permissions that determine what operations users can perform in different parts of the system.

Adding/Removing Permissions:

  • Adding a New Set of Permissions: Click the ‘ADD’ button.

  • Delete Permissions Set: Click the ‘Delete’ button (cross icon).

Permissions are configured via the following settings:

  • Domain: Selecting from the available domains.

  • Name: Name of the permission.

  • Permissions: Set of permissions.


The ‘Roles’ section is used to define and manage the various roles in the system. Roles define sets of rights and permissions for different users or groups, making it easier to manage access and security.

Adding/Removing Roles

  • Adding a New Role: Click the ‘ADD’ button.

  • Deleting a Role: Click the ‘Delete’ button (cross icon).

Roles are configured via the following settings:

  • Domain: Selecting from the available domains.

  • Name: Name of the role.

  • Description: Description of the role.

  • Select contexts - Select permission sets: Define the context pairs and permission sets that are associated with this role. This configures the combination of the context and set of privileges allowed for a given role in a given context. System-wide permissions override the permissions granted within certain structures.


User management is a key part of the access control system in the platform. This section allows administrators to manage all users registered on the platform, add new users, and delete or update the existing profiles.

To view the list of users:

  • Go to ‘Access’ → ‘Users’ to see a list of all registered users.

To add a new user:

  • Step 1: Click the ‘Add’ button on the ‘Access → Users’ screen.

  • Step 2: Specify the following options for the new user:

    • User name: Name of the user (required).

    • Email: User’s email.

    • First name: User’s first name.

    • Last name: User’s last name.

    • Middle name: User’s middle name.

    • Active: Set ‘true’ to activate the user, ‘false’ to deactivate.

    • Password: Password for the new user.

    • Select contexts - Select Roles: Selecting the roles that can be assigned to a user in the system.

To delete a user:

  • To delete a user, log in to their account and uncheck the ‘Active’ checkbox, then click the ‘Update’ button.