Home Menu#

The page provides information about your license and the application domains that have been deployed. You’ll get access to the following features and information:

  • Plan Type: This displays the type of your current plan and the expiration or renewal date of your subscription.

  • Application Domains: This section allows you to create application components, connect users via specific URLs, and navigate to the “Navigation Menu” section.

  • Usage Statistics: Displays information about the current number of applications compared to the total limit, as well as the current and total number of users, workflows, and dataflows.

Main dashboard

Learn more about configuring applications domains#

Application domains are external spaces with a specific URL (HTTP/HTTPS://) where you can deploy your components.

By default, an app is available named ‘digital-workplace’. You can add more apps using the ‘Add application’ button in the upper right corner of the toolbar. Each app you add appears in the list of apps under your plan description.

In the application domain, the following parameters can be set in the ‘main settings’:

Settings group

Setting Field

Value Options


Main settings



Browser Tab Title

Hide top bar

true, false

Hiding the top menu for workplace

Static menu

true, false

Constant display of menus or display on mouse hover

Hide breadcrumps

true, false

Showing/hiding hierarchical navigation

Hide user login

true, false

Showing/hiding user login

Hide locale

true, false

Showing/hiding location selection

Choose logo

Logo, Small logo, favicon, “No image” placeholder

Choosing a logo for WorkPlace (different types)

User Session Storage


Saving authorization parameters in a session or locally

Default Idp provider

Multiselect of Catalog

Choosing an Authorization Method

Default locale

Multiselect of Catalog

Default localization

Default user info app

Multiselect of Catalog

Main application for managing user data

Default component

Multiselect of Catalog

Default Component

Default page


Default component page

Login component

Multiselect of Catalog

Authorization form component

Enable SIP

True, False

Building integration with SIP

In this group, you can set the settings of global modules via JavaScript and CSS, which allows you to turn the platform into a content management system (CMS), as well as upload and use any third-party libraries.

JS example for global JavaScript:

        return loadScript(
            console.log("Load scripts complete");
            console.log("Load scripts err:" + err);

In addition, there is a ‘style settings’ group of settings:

Settings group

Setting Field


Main font


Main font of the app

Color scheme

Default theme

Default color scheme

Primary light color

Main light color

Primary color

Main color

Primary dark color

Main dark color

Primary darker color

Main darker color

Primary text color

Default text color

‘Edit manifest’ settings group:

Setting Field



Name of the app in the manifest

Short name

Short name of the app

Choose Icon (192x192)

Choosing a 192x192px app icon

Choose Icon (512x512)

Choosing a 512x512px app icon

SIP Integration#

If the ‘Enbale SIP’ option inside the ‘Main settings’ is enabled, several subsequent settings are required for calls from the work-place to work correctly.

On the studio side:

Setting Field


SIP WebSocket server

SIP WebSocket server address (e.g. ‘wss://test-pbx.aqtra.ru:8089/ws’)

SIP realm

SIP Scope (realm)

On the work-place side:

Setting Field


SIP user name

Name of the SIP user

SIP user password

Password of the SIP user

SIP WebSocket server

SIP WebSocket server address (e.g. ‘wss://test-pbx.aqtra.ru:8089/ws’)

SIP realm

SIP Scope (realm)

If all parameters are set correctly, you will be able to make calls from the work-place. You can read about working with SIP within the component script here: Using python.