Send templated notification#


General information#

The “Send Templated Notification” step within the workflow is used to send notifications to users or groups of users using preconfigured templates. This allows you to create standardized yet personalized messages, which improves communication and ensures consistency of messages.


Step Settings:

Setting Field

Value Options


Step name


Name of the step

Notification type

Smtp, Mail, SignalR

Type of notification delivery channel

User info field

Multiselect of Catalog

Field with information about a user or group of users

User group

Multiselect of Catalog

(Outdated parameter, not used)

User routing

Multiselect of Catalog

Configuration of notification routing

User name

Multiselect of Catalog

Specific user to be notified


Multiselect of Catalog

Choosing a notification template

Render type

Text, Html, Docx, Xlsx

Template rendering format


  • Automated Notifications: Used to send standardized notifications, such as reminders, action confirmations, or informational messages.

  • Effective Communication: Suitable for creating professionally designed messages for external or internal communications.


  • Template Customization Requirements: Notification templates must be prepared and configured in advance to ensure that messages are relevant to communication purposes.

  • Manage Notification Recipients: It is important to pinpoint message recipients using the User info field and User name to ensure that notifications reach the right recipients.