Subscribe to connector#


General information#

The “Subscribe to connector” step is for subscribing to receive messages from various messaging systems, such as RabbitMQ or Kafka.


Step Settings:

Setting Field

Value Options


Step name


Name of the step


Multiselect of Catalog

Contains preconfigured integration systems


Multiselect of Catalog

Contains pre-configured connectors in the integration system

Query path

Multiselect of Catalog

Contains the “EndPoint” to be accessed

Method name

Get, Post, Put, Delete

Type of request to be executed


  • Response to Events: Automatic receiving of notifications about events or changes in data from external sources.

  • Integration with Messaging Systems: Interaction with various messaging platforms to ensure a continuous dataflow.


  • Limited Functionality: The step is limited to subscribing to messages and does not support other types of interactions with external systems.

  • Dependency on External Systems: Requires reliable configuration and support from the messaging systems used.

Application scenario#

The component is configured to subscribe to a RabbitMQ queue and save the received messages in a database. Steps such as “Subscribe to connector”, “Execute script” for data processing, and “Update entry” for saving messages are utilized in this process.

  • You can take component configuration from here