Update or create user info#


General information#

The “Update or Create User Info” step is used to update existing user information or create a new user. This step works exclusively with the “User Info” component. When user information is updated, if the password is not specified, it will remain unchanged.


Step Settings:

Setting Field

Value Options


Step name


Name of the step

Source step


Selecting the previous step

User info field


A field that contains information about the user

User name


Name of the user

User password


User password (required)

User disabled

true, false

User activity status

Update fields

name, email, lastName, userName, firstName, middleName

Fields for updating or creating user information


  • Updating User Information: Used to change data about existing users, including their contact information, username, and other personal information.

  • Creating New Users: Suitable for adding new users to the system, allowing you to quickly and efficiently expand the user database.


  • Need for Data Accuracy: The step requires accurate and up-to-date data entry, especially when creating new users.

  • Password Management: When user information is updated, if the password is not specified, it will remain unchanged. When creating a user, specifying a password is mandatory.

Application scenario#

The component is designed to manage user information. It involves retrieving user information, updating their data, and creating a new user record with specified parameters.

  • You can download the component configuration here